We all want to look and feel our best all year round. Achieving that summer skin tone glow is every woman’s dream, whether you are 20 years old or 65. This sunkissed glow is achievable when you are taking the right steps.
You will learn :
- Tips to achieving the best summer skin tone
- Approved ingredients for quality sunscreen
- DIY crucial summer ingredients to add
- Summer skincare routine
- Summer skincare products you need
EXFOLIATE– prepare your skin by exfoliating twice a week to remove dead layers of skin. This will help your skin to be smooth and ready to quickly absorb the hydrating products you are about to apply.
QUALITY SUNSCREEN-Sunscreen consists of organic and inorganic compounds that block ultraviolet rays from the sun. Sun exposure and sunburn are believed to be the main environmental determinants of skin cancer. Â Sunscreens could allow prolonged sun exposure, which is why it is necessary to get high-quality sunscreens.
Two of the popular ingredients are -Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide- which retract UV rays from penetrating the skin.
According to the National Medicine of Health, look for these approved ingredients when shopping for high-quality sunscreen.

Persons exposed to the sun should use broad-spectrum sunscreens with an SPF of 30 or greater
Dark skin tones should use sunscreen with an SPF of up to 30, people with higher melanin are less likely to burn their skin after short periods of time in the sun. Either way, people with darker skin tones should still use sunscreen.
Lighter skin tones should aim for SPF above 30. There are sunscreens with spf over 90 and counting. Since lighter skin tones are more prone to skin cancer it’s recommended to use spf higher than 30.
Tips to achieve Glowing skin tone in hotter months
- Cleanse your skin twice a day – during hot months, we sweat nonstop, this is not a bad thing, however, some bacteria can grow in the released sweat. Cleansing the body can immediately eliminate any built-up bacteria on the skin that could cause irritation, acne, etc.
- Use clean sheets and pillows -It’s easy for bacteria to grow when we sweat and leave them in our pillows and sheets. This can cause severe breakouts. Ensure they are changed at least once a week. Use only clean nontoxic detergents to limit toxic chemicals introduced to the skin.
- Add Natural remedies to your daily routine– Stick to your daily routine, however, some skin types will need a slight change. Let’s talk more here about how to do this. Add Natural remedies to your daily routine–DIY FACE MASK Some natural remedies include- aloe vera gel, honey can be added to your face scrub, and avocado used in your mask regimen, This adds a natural hydration boost to the skin, leaving it smooth and hydrated. It’s easy to make these masks. For an aloe mask, remove the skin and blend it with lemon and turmeric, apply, and leave on for 10-15 mins. Then thoroughly cleanse the skin. For the avocado mask- mash the avocado apply and leave it on for 10-15 mins then cleanse the face thoroughly. Masks can be simple or as complicated as you desire. Use one ingredient or 2 it’s up to you. Just be sure to stick to hydrating fruits and vegetables.
- Hydrate- This sounds cliche but this should not be taken lightly during summer months.

Do you remember as a kid, your parents worried nonstop about you playing outside without drinking water, giving you anything with fluids to prevent dehydration? Here’s why.
Extreme hydration tips
According to Michigan State University -The body loses an excessive amount of water during the hot/ summer months. The best ways to stay hydrated are
Avoid heavily caffeinated drinks – caffeine will drastically increase dehydration
Avoid drinks with excess sugar- it’s tempting to want to drink sugary cold drinks but the sugar is even more unhealthy. –
Add herbs, flowers, and citrus to your water.
Drink coconut water to add electrolytes naturally to your body.
Travel with a DIY face mist– rose water, cucumber water, green tea mist
Hydrate with fruits that consist of mostly water eg, melon, peaches, strawberries, cucumber, tomatoes
Summer skincare routine
OILY SKIN– Get worse in humid conditions which include summer days and nights
Endly.D a researcher in the field of skincare, advises that
In addition to your normal skincare routine, look for products with retinoid, retinoic acid, L-carnitine, and Niacinamide, and add green tea, green tea would be great as a face mist to regulate oily skin.
Treatments that can be used for severely oily skin, which are also used by dermatologists are –
Isotretinoin, Spironolactone, Botulinum toxin, Lasers, Photodynamic therapy
DRY SKIN- gets worse in the colder months. Summer months are great for people with dry skin,
Continue with the normal regimen and be sure to keep skin clean, and moisturized, and drink plenty of water to keep skin hydrated.
SENSITIVE – Gets worst -in extreme humidity, following normal skincare regimen
Add Daily- products with retinoid, retinoic acid, L-carnitine, and Niacinamide, and add rose water face mist to balance the skin.
COMBINATION SKIN-Gets worst in extreme heat or cold conditions –
Continue with normal regimen -slowly add in products with added L-carnitine and niacinamide,
Summer products to use
Follow links for Summer products YOU need for hydrating, clear summer skin tone
Night retinol -for sensitive and oily skin

Niacinamide- for combination skin as well as oily and sensitive

https://a.co/d/022ibyb -for people with oily skin- powder form is also great.
Implementing all these strategies is adequate to gain that healthy, summer skin tone every woman craves.
Now let’s get our summer on!!!!
Sander M, Sander M, Burbidge T, Beecker J. The efficacy and safety of sunscreen use for the prevention of skin cancer. CMAJ. 2020 Dec 14;192(50):E1802-E1808. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.201085. PMID: 33318091; PMCID: PMC7759112.
Endly DC, Miller RA. Oily Skin: A Review of Treatment Options. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2017 Aug;10(8):49-55. Epub 2017 Aug 1. PMID: 28979664; PMCID: PMC5605215.
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