When I first learned that I could pray for a man, I was blown away! A few months ago, I was in a situationship—yes, the back-and-forth, periodically ghosting me and endlessly wondering, “What are we?”. No one should have to go through those emotions!
Keep reading to know how to pray to find the man you desire!

5 Things to consider before you start praying for your husband.
- Healing
Understand that we have all been traumatized by our parents, close family members, and troubled men and women. Some people are aware of what they did to you and some aren’t. To move forward, we must accept where we are and our limitations. Accept everything that happened and create a plan of where to draw lines and boundaries and carry on.
- Time
Ensure you carve out time in your busy schedule to date and get to know someone before you even initiate a conversation with an individual you are interested in. No matter how many good intentions you have, if you have no time a serious man will not play those silly games.
- Patience
Be patient when dating, and be open to having the hard conversations about, family, children, finances, and the road map to success in the first few dates. don’t be judgemental in things you hear and be easily upset. Listen and ask genuine respectful questions.
- Trust
Start thinking about what could make you not trust a man, think about the past and what happened in past broken relationships. Did you play any part in it? How will you ensure you show up with an open mind, healed and nonjudgemental?
- Love
Are you ready to give love and receive love? Love is more than taking flights and intimacy, it comes with the good and bad. Can you learn to tame your tongue and attitude?
Somedays, can you put aside your own needs to cater to your husband and family?

This leads me to what is Love.
When you are looking for a good man, the first thought should be
- What are his values, What are your values? Do they align
- Does he understand what Godly love is? Do you understand that as a wife there are days you will have to listen lovingly and choose a better time to have some conversations? Are you willing to step up and ask questions when you need to?
- Is he a man of God and that could take many different forms even when looking at his background? Just because he is a man of god doesn’t mean you have the same values. Each male figure will need specific things from you. know what they are!
- Are you both capable of being friends and being respectful in difficult times?
- Can you both stay committed?
Visualize the man you need!
A good place to start, does he have
- Humble heart
- Child of God
- Honest
- Walk in his purpose and can be financially secure to provide for you and your children
- live a healthy life style or does he want to
- Is he a man who will have deep feelings for you and only you
- Do you have physical features you desire and a specific character you would like (do not focus all your attention on a single feature)
The prayer
Part 1
- Step 1 -Lift up God’s name -Dear God, Holy Father, Giver of good things
- Step 2-Thankfulness- Thank you for Jesus Christ who died for me, Thank you for life and where I am today, thank you for friends and family and the ability to learn and grow.
- Step 3Forgiveness- Dear heavenly father, I have sinned and come short of your glory, please forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness
- Step 4a Surrender – Be honest, GENUINE, and open your heart and tell him everything you have experienced.
- You are the living God and I come to you today to lay it all down. (Add your actual real experience be very honest ) (eg. I have been in a situation where I thought I met the perfect life partner, I had deep love but I have experienced trauma and multiple broken hearts. I have been influenced by outside influences such as friends and relatives etc which have skewed my judgment. I know this is not the right way or the right guy. Step 4b -Surrender in faith -Please relieve me of these emotions and show me the path to my soulmate. By the power of faith, I give it to you.
Part 2
- Step 5a Ask – ( based on what you visualized earlier, you will ask for these things )
- There is power in the name of Jesus, you give us unconditional love and you know the type of love I deserve. Today I come in your name Jesus, asking for your divine intervention. For a long time, I have tried to find the right path. I have been trying to find the right man, a man of God who understands the kind of love that is everlasting love. I want a man who has mutual respect, one who is my soul mate and has romantic feelings for only me, a man in good health, who understands the word of God who knows when he finds a wife he finds a good thing. I want a man who is on a journey to always be better and will embrace growth in his spiritual Journey. Breadwinner etc, sexual preferences, physical appearance. I want to experience beautiful love. These are my deepest desires for a future husband and I know it’s God’s plan for me to ask and trust, knowing you are all-powerful.
- 5b. Ask God to get you ready for the perfect man for you.
Step 3
- 6. Trust -Today dear lord Jesus I trust that even the matters of the heart you can fix. Philippians 4 vs 6&7 says Be anxious for nothing but in prayer and supplication let your prayers be known unto God.
- I truly believe you will give me the pure love, best friend, beautiful relationship, and healthy type of love I desire.
- 7a. Thank him in advance -visualize yourself with your future husband
- I thank you for my new relationship, I thank you for the man of my dreams who is a healthy, Godly man, a man who will bring stability to our lives as much as I will do that for him, I thank you for that love life that will give me peace daily in our life and travel together.
- 7b-Give Thanks – LIFT God’s name, praise him, and close your prayer in Jesus’s name Amen
- Get up off your knees knowing your prayers were answered.
Next steps
- Be open to going into new spaces where your type of man could be such as singles retreats, golf clubs, and fishing clubs. Keep an open ear for where you are instructed to go. These instructions can come from parents, grandparents, a boss, a coworker, true friend.
- Date Wholesome men, (emotionally available men, men with little to no drama and don’t get stuck on a physical type.
- Be intentional about finding the right person and do not get distracted by butterflies and feelings, after a few dates or two start asking about children, what role he expects his woman to play, finances, etc
- Stay clear of bars and clubs !!!!!!!
Go out in faith and find the man you truly desire !!!!!!